Findeco GmbH is an emerging Austrian-based industrial development company focused on finding, mining and processing critical metals and minerals essential to making modern life work.

The growing role of these high-tech metals and minerals for the smart and low-carbon society of the future is challenging the mining and minerals industry.

You will find these materials in smart devices and high-tech green technologies, such as wind mills, solar panels, batteries and electrical vehicles, but also in planes, cars, hospitals and through out your home.


Findeco GmbH contributes to the sustainable supply of modern society with these critical high-tech metals and minerals.

The company acts as a driver of innovation in technical, environmental, socio-ethical and economical fields and therefore targets primarily innovative, non-conventional business activities, in particular environmentally, socially and ethically sound as well as technically clean, smart and intelligent production processes.

For the precious metals and minerals production the company is building on next-generation solutions for a minimal-invasive, clean and intelligent mining and processing technology.