RMDD, Findeco’s Responsible Mining by Directional Drilling is a brand- new, next generation mining technology essential to making future mining of precious and critical metals and minerals significantly less harmful for people, environment and society.

RMDD reduces the environmental footprint of mining by at least 35%, facilitating higher social acceptance, accelerated permitting and de-risked sustainable financing of projects with the shortest lead time to market.

RMDD reduces waste rock in the run of mine (ROM) to a minimum.

This leads to the highest energy efficiency and lowest impact on air, water, soil, vegetation, groundwater and land. Qualified backfilling of each drillhole leaves no underground legacy and liability behind and further reduces the disposal of mining waste.

RMDD needs no mine development, nobody working underground, no highly skilled mining workforce, no conventional mining technology and mining equipment.

Overall it facilitates a less harmful mining operation with a significant lower plant feed and throughput in downstream processes, hence smaller equipment, less footprint and less capex. These are the convincing factors for a lower risk profile, a higher social acceptance and an accelerated permitting.

RMDD enables a quick, smooth and inexpensive start of regular mining with the shortest lead time to market.

It supports an easy stop and resumption of operation at any time and in particular makes mining of small and mid-sized deposits bankable too.

In terms of key technologies Findeco is partnering with industry leaders in directional drilling, drill rig services and ore sorting technologies and is leveraging their industry-proven high-performance technologies, tools and services.

Findeco intends to cooperate with investors and/or enterprises of the raw materials industry, that are interested in detailed exploration and highly selective mining of precious and critical metals and minerals by deploying Findeco’s RMDD Technology.

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